The much feared nuclear contamination issue in Japan gained further traction recently when Radioactive Caesium was found in milk powder made by Meiji Holdings Co. unit.
Yes, it is very horrifying news to hear. And it must be noted that Caesium levels of up to 31 becuerels per kilogram have been found in the milk by the Meiji Corporation. But it is still within limits because the government of Japan has set allowable limit to 200 becquerels per kilogram. But still this news should ring loud bells since babies are more susceptible to the harmful effects of radiation.
The company is recalling 400,00 cans of the affected products. The products were made at a factory in Saitama prefecture, 200 kilometers southwest of the Fukushima plant, between March 14 and March 20. The raw milk had been produced before March 11 disaster and the water used in the production process has no contamination. The Meiji Co. suspects that the hot air used in the drying process may have been contaminated with caesium by the meltdown at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant.
Worries about radiation contamination of food does not seem to subside and now it has become real. Cases of excessive radiation in vegetable, milk, seafood and water have stirred public debates despite the assurance by public officials that the contamination levels are not dangerous.
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